Trasforma le tue unghie in pura eleganza con il nostro design in stile French manicure! Istruzioni dettagliate sull’applicazione possono essere trovate qui nel nostro magazine.
Pulire le unghie
Scegliere la misura adatta di Nail Wrap
Premere al centro e stringere fino al bordo
Piegare la lamina verso il basso e limarla
24 bende per unghie ultrasottili di diverse dimensioni
Semplice e autoadesivo
Adatto per unghie di mani e piedi
Mantiene le unghie naturali e dipinte, acriliche, gel e gommalacca
We strive to represent the colors in the photos as accurately as possible. However, it's possible that the colors may slightly vary on your smartphone or computer. This is because every monitor is calibrated differently, or the screen brightness can be set differently.
If you have further questions regarding the colors or sizes, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time. We are here to assist you.
Our community is excited
5 out of 5 stars
Sieht toll aus, von echtem Lack nicht zu unterscheiden.. 👌
5 out of 5 stars
I thought they'd be difficult but they weren't
5 out of 5 stars
Leichte Handhabung
5 out of 5 stars
Das Ergebnis sieht super aus, genau wie bei Gelnägeln.
5 out of 5 stars
Einfache Handhabung, halten super lang
5 out of 5 stars
Alles, die Handhabung, die Qualität
5 out of 5 stars
Es hält was es verspricht, ich habe sie seid über einer Woche drauf und sie haben erst seid 2/3 Tagen leichte ditscher. So lange würde mein Nagellack nie halten.